
搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电~

2022-03-31,BandwagonHost VPS 搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电,刚好有一个博客在 DC3 上面,大概一个小时左右恢复了,不过部分节点还在恢复中。

「搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电~:https://cnssw.com/41/」

Virtual instances - Los Angeles, DC2 Partial outage @ USCA_2, USCA_3

搬瓦工 VPS 状态官方公告地址:https://bwhstatus.com


「搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电~:https://cnssw.com/41/」

Virtual instances - Los Angeles, DC2 Partial outage @ USCA_2, USCA_3

18:36 PST We are investigating an outage affecting customers on nodes v76XX (USCA_2), v77XX (USCA_3)

19:12 PST Quadranet datacenter confirmed they had a power outage. We use redundant power (A+B feeds), it is still unclear why both feeds went offline.

「搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电~:https://cnssw.com/41/」

19:24 PST Quadranet lost power to both feeds A+B again.

19:58 PST Power has been restored again. We are bringing our equipment back online.

20:24 PST most servers have been brought back up online. We are working on the following remaining nodes: USCA_2: v7602 USCA_3: v7709, v7717, v7721, v7723, v7729, v7730

「搬瓦工 USCA_2 USCA_3 部分机房停电~:https://cnssw.com/41/」

20:43 PST We managed to bring up servers 7717, 7723 and 7730, however, client VMs are not able to auto-start. We are migrating all clients off of these servers, it will take approximately 2 hours to bring all VMs hosted on these nodes back up.

We are working with Quadranet to bring up remaining nodes: USCA_2: v7602 USCA_3: v7709, v7721, v7729

21:11 PST: Node v7721 was restored.

Remaining nodes: USCA_2: v7602 USCA_3: v7709, v7729

21:56 PST Node v7602 was restored. Still working on: USCA_3: v7709, v7729

21:17 PST Node v7709 was restored.

Still working on the very last node @ USCA_3: v7729

NOTE: If your VM is on one of the following nodes: 7717, 7723 or 7730, then it will not boot until migrated. ETA is approximately 50-80 minutes for all VMs to finish migrating off of these nodes.

More updates to follow.

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